Available Facilities

✦ Cameca 6F ion microprobe of the EPL Geochemistry/Cosmochemistry Group, EPL. This instrument is now decommissioned and replaced by the NanoSIMS. (photo: Steve Shirey)

Available Analytical facilities

TIMS:   Thermo-Fisher Triton Plus, IsotopX Phoenix (coming in late 2025)

MC-ICPMS:   Nu Plasma II (w/ Plasma III source), 

LA-ICPMS: Cetac/Teledyne Iridia Laser (193nm), Thermo-Fisher iCap Qc, Agilent 8900 TripleQuad (coming in late 2025)

SIMS:   NanoSIMS 50L

SEM:   Zeiss Auriga SEM

EPMA:   JOEL Field Emission EPMA 

FIB:  FEI plasma FIB 

RAMAN:  WiTec confocal Raman

EXPERIMENTAL CAPABILITIES:  Piston cylinder, multi-anvil, and diamond anvil presses

CHEMISTRY LABS:  Multiple clean-room facility equipped for all aspects of sample preparation

SUPPORTING LABS:  Optical microscopy lab, microsampling, rock room, machine shop, electronics lab

An recent extended description of these analytical facilities can be found on the EPL web page here.